Our Services

Tank Farm Storage

Adriatic Tanker is globally operating a wide variety of liquid fuel and all petroleum products storage facilities and logistics services

Ship Leasing

Adriatic Tanker tank farm operates worldwide contracts for leasing proper vessels to meet customers' requirements. See more in our fleet

Our chartering team works very closely with owners and clients to secure the optimal ship need to meet clients' requirements. We offer both short and long-term charters of offshore support vessels.

The technicality of our team is thus essential to our ability to develop sound client relations based on mutual trust, creating genuine satisfaction and sustainable business relationships.

Adriatic Tanker will professionally man your: Anchor-handling Tug-Supply Vessels (AHTS), Platform Supply Vessels (PSV’s), ROV/Survey Vessels, Pipe laying/support Vessels, Diving Support Vessels (DSV’s) and more

Petroleum Shipping

Crude oil transportation is the backbone of our business at Adriatic Tanker. With other allies globally, trust and expect the best.

Adriatic Tanker dominates one third of domestic crude oil transportation market share servicing for major domestic Oil Companies in United Kingdom. As a national strategic resources, we transport crude oil based on long-term contract with safety in mind service. Continuous safe operations build our company as a "reliable transportation partner". We are in good relationship with worldwide oil majors, Asian oil majors and trading companies including Japanese and Chinese companies. And we will try to expand our customers and transportation volume.

Adriatic Tanker have made continuous efforts to become the
world's top crude oil tanker company by owning and operating VLCCs. We have enhanced our service infrastructure for greater client satisfaction and utilized the VLCCs with a double hull structure and low-sulphur bunkers to prevent ocean pollution in accordance with the growing international concern for the protection of the marine environment.

Let us know where Adriatic Tanker is shipping your product to and serve you accordingly.

Oil Spillage Cleaning

Adriatic Tanker is completely environmentally friendly and helps to protect the entire environment from the hazardous effects of an oil spill.

Whether oil spills are on water or on land, it requires a reliable and experienced contractor that has the environmental project experience to properly collect, remove, and dispose of the oil in an environmentally conscious manner. At Adriatic Tanker, we are able to provide the necessary personnel to conduct beach cleanups; tar ball spotting in the water with skimmer boats, aircraft, and personnel; maintain containment booms; proper safety suits and other necessary personal protective equipment.